EnglishGeneral Knowledge

100 Brilliant General Knowledge Question With Answer

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100 Brilliant General Knowledge Question With Answer

1. What year did the Titanic sink in the Atlantic Ocean on 15 April, on its maiden voyage from Southampton?

2. What is the title of the first ever Carry On film made and released in 1958?

3. What is the name of the biggest technology company in South Korea?

4. Which singer fronted the 1970s’ pop group Showaddywaddy?

5. Which now famous TV chef started cooking at the age of eight in his parents’ pub, ‘The Cricketers’, in Clavering, Essex?

6. Which Dutch darts player won the 2012 BDO World Championship at the Lakeside Country Club, Frimley Green on 15 January?

7. Which metal was discovered by Hans Christian Oersted in 1825?

8. What is the capital of Portugal?

9. How many breaths does the human body take daily?

10. Who was Prime Minister of Great Britain from 1841 to 1846?

11. What is the chemical symbol for silver?

12. Who invented Cat’s Eyes in 1934 to improve road safety?

13. What is the world’s smallest bird?

14. Who played ‘Bodie’ and ‘Doyle’ in The Professionals?

15. What is the doll, Barbie’s, full name?

16. What does Paul Hunn hold the record for, which registered at 118.1 decibels?

17. What did Al Capone’s business card state his occupation was?

18. What is the lifespan of a dragonfly?

19. Which year was the first Tonka truck made – 1945, 1947 or 1949?

20. Who invented the tin can for preserving food in 1810?

21. What is the capital of Austria?

22. What was the famous Casanova’s Christian name?

23. Who was the first woman Prime Minister of the United Kingdom?

24. Who was President of the United States of America from 1913 to 1921?

25. Which two characters did John Thaw and Dennis Waterman play in the 1970s’ hit The Sweeney?

26. Which professional sport did bank robber John Dillinger play?

27. Which year on 2 November was the UK’s Channel 4 launch?

28. What was the name of the aeroplane in which Buddy Holly, Big Bopper and Ritchie Valens were killed in 1959?

29. Who played Darth Vader in the 1977 Star Wars film?

30. True or false: The state of Florida is bigger than England?

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31. Which two words is ‘MODEM’ a contraction of?

32. What was the state of Tennessee known as before 1796?

33. Name the four members of the 1960s pop group ‘The Monkees’?

34. What is a pregnant goldfish called?

35. What is the 70th Wedding Anniversary called?

36. How many of the months of the Muslim calendar have 31 days?

37. What name is Lesley Hornby better known as?

38. What is the Gaelic for ‘family’?

39. Which 1970s’ pop group was originally known as the Nightlife Thugs?

40. Which is the second largest state in the United States of America?

41. At which siege in 1836 was Davy Crockett and Jim Bowie killed?

42. Which two American states are not bordered by any of the others?

43. Where in America would you find the John Wayne international airport?

44. The Wright brothers, Orville and Wilbur, made the first ever

powered flight but which of the brothers was at the controls while the other observed?

45. Which UK digital TV station did Johnny Vaughan launch on 9 February 2003?

46. Where was the venue for the 1963 Ryder Cup?

47. How many classic races did Lester Piggott win – 25, 30 or 35?48. Who won the 1992 Formula 1 World Championship?

49. In days what is the gestation period for a giraffe?

50. What year was the perfume ‘Tweed’ launched by Lentheric?

51. Who played Arthur Daley in the hit ITV series Minder?

52. Which ITV comedy ran from 1969 to 1973 and spawned three spin off films?

53. Name the producer of the legendary Carry On films who died in 2009?

54. Which company launched the perfume ‘Eternity’ in 1988?

55. Which London based Newspaper was founded by John Browne Bell 1843 and closed in 2011?

56. Which American state has the largest population?

57. Who created the cartoon character Andy Capp for the Daily Mirror and Sunday Mirror?

58. What are a group of Tigers called?

59. Who was the lead singer of the 1970s’ pop group ‘Wizzard’?

60. What is the chemical symbol for gold?

61. Which year did the battle of Agincourt, known as the ‘Hundred Years’ War’, start?

62. What are the aerobatics team of the Royal Air Force called?

63. Who was the first man in 1960 to run the 100 metres in under 10 seconds?

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64. What nationality is the athlete John Walker who was the first man to run a mile under 3 minutes 50 seconds in 1975?

65. Who were the first winners of the Baseball World Series in 1903 defeating the Pittsburgh Pirates 5-3?

66. Which football club won the first ever Division One League title in 1889?

67. Who won the BBC TV Sports Personality of the Year in 1981?

68. How many players are there in an American football team?

69. Which is the least dense substance in the world at 0.08988g/cc?

70. Which American program is the longest running prime time animated series in TV history?

71. Who became the first woman to fly across the Pacific Ocean alone in 1935?72. Which year was the inaugural flight of Virgin Atlantic Airways?

73. What were Ian Wilmut and his team famous for in 1997?

74. Which car company made the famous DB5 used in the James Bond films?

75. Which motorway runs from London to Leeds?

76. What is the famous route, which runs from Chicago to Los Angeles?

77. Who designed the Mini car in 1959?

78. Which year was the Automobile Association founded – 1905, 1907 or 1909?

79. Name the three states of America beginning with the letter ‘O’?

80. What was Buddy Holly’s real name?

81. Which chapter in the bible has 176 verses?

82. What was built in Boston, Massachusetts in 1897?

83. When was the Noble Peace prize first awarded to Jean Henry Dunant founder of the Swiss Red Cross?

84. Who won Miss World in 1977 and had a relationship with footballer George Best?

85. What is the name of the American national anthem?

86. Who was the Poet Laureate from 1984 to 1998?

87. Where is the Navy Officer training school situated in the UK?

88. Who played the starring roles in the 1978 film Grease?

89. What is the birthstone for the month of February?

90. Which sign of the zodiac runs from 23 August to 22 September?

91. What is the Chinese year for 2012?

92. Which 1966 film was remade in 2004 starring Jude Law?

93. Which US state has the longest freshwater shoreline in the world?

94. Who invented the computer mouse in 1964?

95. Which year were horse racing crash helmets made compulsory?

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96. Which motorway runs from Birmingham to Exeter in the UK?

97. Which country won the first World Cup in 1930 defeating Argentina 4-2?

98. Which daily newspaper was founded in 1911 as The Daily Herald and relaunched in 1964 under a new name?

99. Which year did the UK’s BBC2 channel commence?

100. What was the capital of America before Washington DC?

100 Brilliant General Knowledge Question With Answer

All Answers

1. 1912
2. Carry on Sergeant
3. Samsung
4. Dave Bartram
5. Jamie Oliver
6. Christian Kist
7. Aluminium
8. Lisbon
9. 20,000 daily
10. Robert Peel
11. Ag
12. Percy Shaw
13. Bee Hummingbird
14. Lewis Collins and Martin Shaw
15. Barbara Millicent Roberts
16. The loudest burp
17. A used furniture salesman
18. 24 hours
19. 1947
20. Peter Durand
21. Vienna
22. Giacomo
23. Margaret Thatcher (1979-90)
24. Woodrow Wilson
25. Jack Regan and George Carter
26. Baseball
27. 1982
28. ‘American Pie’
29. Dave Prowse
30. True
31. MOdulate and DEModulate
32. Franklin
33. Davey Jones, Micky Dolenz, Mike Nesmith and Peter Tork
34. Twat
35. Platinum
36. None: They all have 30 days and 29 days respectively
37. Twiggy
38. Clannad
39. The Boomtown Rats
40. Texas
41. The Alamo
42. Alaska and Hawaii
43. Los Angeles
44. Orville was at the controls while Wilbur observed
45. BBC3
46. Atlanta, Georgia
47. 30
48. Nigel Mansell
49. 460 days
50. 1933
51. George Cole
52. On the Buses
53. Peter Rogers
54. Calvin Klein
55. The News of the World
56. California
57. Reg Smythe
58. Ambush
59. Roy Wood
60. Au
61. 25 October 1415
62. Red Arrows
63. Armin Hary
64. New Zealander
65. Boston Red Sox
66. Preston North End
67. Ian Botham
68. Eleven
69. Hydrogen
70. The Simpsons
71. Amelia Earhart
72. 1984
73. They produced the first cloned sheep – Dolly
74. Aston Martin
75. M1
76. Route 66
77. Alex Issigonis
78. 1905
79. Ohio, Oklahoma and Oregon
80. Charles Hardin Holly
81. Psalm 119
82. The first subway system in America
83. 1901
84. Mary Stavin
85. The Star-Spangled Banner
86. Ted Hughes
87. Dartmouth, Devon
88. John Travolta and Olivia Newton-John
89. Amethyst
90. Virgo
91. Year of the Dragon
92. Alfie
93. Michigan
94. Douglas Engelbart
95. 1924
96. M5
97. Uruguay
98. The Sun
99. 20 April 1964
100. Philadelphia 1783-89

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